A Very Personal Plea From Manya McMahon

Posted: March 20, 2009 by feodoraumarov in Uncategorized

Manya McMahon, the owner of PRIMALOT sent out this very personal plea and I’d like to pass it on with my best wishes.

Some weeks ago my aunt was diagnosed with liver cancer. Today we got the information, that this is only the result of a metastasizing pankreas head tumor. She will now get chemotherapy, but it doesn’t look very promising.

I usually don’t believe in “positive thinking” as a nearly religious way to see the world and the own power to get everything, if you only visualize hard enough. But I DO believe in the power of positive thoughts and wishes and the magic of quantum theory.
And so I ask you for exactly that, a positive wish or thought for my aunt, who you don’t know. Maybe we can influence the probabilities.

We placed a silver rose in our shop.


If you stand near the rose and just say


you will get a white pearl set of my ‘Tahitian princess jewelry’  with my deepest thanks for your thoughts.


Thanks for your attention,
Manya McMahon

Posted by Feodora Umarov

  1. Luke says:

    I have to agree that positive thoughts have a special power.